Special Feature: ColorForth Commentary
NOTICE: This is a work in progress. Parts of my commentary are still very rough. However, I have it up on the web because even in this rough form it may be useful to ColorForth enthusiasts. Expect the contents of these files to change frequently.
Keyboard handling
ColorForth draws a keyboard map in the lower-right corner of the screen, so that the user can see what characters will appear as he types. ColorForth draws the map from one of the following four tables. ColorForth also uses the tables to determine what character to generate when a particular key is pressed.
Any reference to one of these tables is actually a reference to an address four bytes before the table, e.g., "alpha-4", "graphics-4", etc. The reason for this is that the key codes 4 through 27 are used as offsets into these tables.
The byte values in these tables are ColorForth character codes (octal values 0 through 57o).
(Say when each of the four tables is active, e.g., what keys have to be held down or pressed.)
alpha ;[Refs: board, acceptn, alph0, alph] db 15o, 12o, 1 , 14o ; g c r l db 24o, 2 , 6 , 10o ; h t n s db 23o, 11o, 17o, 21o ; b m w v db 22o, 13o, 16o, 7 ; p y f i db 5 , 3 , 4 , 26o ; a o e u db 27o, 44o, 25o, 20o ; q k x d graphics ;[Refs: star0, graph] db 31o, 32o, 33o, 0 ; 1 2 3 db 34o, 35o, 36o, 30o ; 4 5 6 0 db 37o, 40o, 41o, 57o ; 7 8 9 ? db 51o, 50o, 52o, 54o ; : ; ! @ db 46o, 42o, 45o, 56o ; z j . , db 55o, 47o, 53o, 43o ; * / + - numbers ;[Refs: decimal] db 31o, 32o, 33o, 0 ; 1 2 3 db 34o, 35o, 36o, 30o ; 4 5 6 0 db 37o, 40o, 41o, 0 ; 7 8 9 db 0, 0 , 0 , 0 db 0, 0 , 0 , 0 db 0, 0 , 0 , 0 octals ;[Refs: hex] db 31o, 32o, 33o, 0 ; 1 2 3 db 34o, 35o, 36o, 30o ; 4 5 6 0 db 37o, 40o, 41o, 0 ; 7 8 9 db 0 , 5 , 23o, 12o ; a b c db 0 , 20o, 4 , 16o ; d e f db 0 , 0 , 0 , 0
Letter is passed a ColorForth key code (pulled from keys). If the key pressed is either an undefined key (code=0), the N key (code=1), the spacebar (code=2), or either Alt key (code=3), then letter replaces the key code with [edx+eax] = [board+code]. Otherwise, letter returns the key code unchanged.
letter: ;[Refs: word1, number3] cmp al, 4 js @f mov edx, board mov al, [edx][eax] @@: ret
Reading the keyboard
The key routine reads Set 1 scan codes from the keyboard controller, subtracts sixteen (20o or 0x10), and uses the result as an offset into the keys table, which contains ColorForth-specific key codes. ColorForth recognizes only Set 1 scan codes in the range 0x10 through 0x39 (20o through 71o in octal), a range containing forty-one keys. In fact, ColorForth recognizes only twenty-seven of these keys.
keys ;[Refs: key] db 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 0, 4, 5 ; 20 ; Keys: QWER--UI db 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 21 ; OP----AS db 22, 23, 0, 0, 8, 9, 10, 11 ; 40 ; DF--JKL; db 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27 ; ----ZXCV db 0, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 0 ; 60 n ; -NM<>?-- db 3, 2 ; alt space ; [Alt] [Space]
There are twenty-eight ColorForth-specific key codes. The blue cells are for keys you press with your right thumb; the green, for keys you press with the four fingers on your right hand; the red, for keys you press with the four fingers on your left hand.
Key code | Key |
0 | Unused key |
1 | N |
2 | Space |
3 | Alt |
4 | U |
5 | I |
6 | O |
7 | P |
8 | J |
9 | K |
10 | L |
11 | ; |
12 | M |
13 | < |
14 | > |
15 | ? |
16 | Q |
17 | W |
18 | E |
19 | R |
20 | A |
21 | S |
22 | D |
23 | F |
24 | Z |
25 | X |
26 | C |
27 | V |
So we can see what characters are produced for each of the four keyboard modes. In alpha mode, the keyboard looks like this (the large character is the one produced by the key; the small character is the one printed on the key; the gray cells indicate keys that don't produce any characters):
In graphics mode, the keyboard looks like this:
In numbers mode, the keyboard looks like this:
In octals mode, the keyboard looks like this:
Key waits for a key, then returns the key code (a number in the range 0..27). It first calls pause to let the other task run, then checks the key port to see if a key has been pressed. If not, key keeps calling pause and checking the key port until a key is pressed.
If a key is pressed, the scan code must be between 20o (0x10) and 71o (0x39), or else the key is ignored — key calls pause and checks the key port again. If the scan code is acceptable, key uses it to grab the ColorForth key code from the keys table.
key: ;[Refs: accept1, word0, number3, e, pad] dup_ xor eax, eax @@: call pause in al, 144o test al, 1 jz @b in al, 140o test al, 360o ; If scan code is 0..15, jz @b ; ignore it. cmp al, 72o ; If scan code >= 72o (0x3A = caps lock), jnc @b ; ignore it. mov al, [keys-20o+eax] ret
-- 6 tables, pointed to by shift -- these deal only with the "shift" keys, 0=undefined key, 1=N, 2=space, 3=alt -- db bytes are probably CF char codes --
align 4 graph0 ;[Refs: star0] dd offset nul0, offset nul0, offset nul0, offset alph0 db 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 ; a graph1 ;[Refs: graph] dd offset word0, offset x, offset lj, offset alph db 25o, 45o, 5 , 0 ; x . a alpha0 ;[Refs: shift, acceptn, alph0, e, eout] dd offset nul0, offset nul0, offset number, offset star0 db 0 , 41o, 55o, 0 ; 9 * alpha1 ;[Refs: alph] dd offset word0, offset x, offset lj, offset graph db 25o, 45o, 55o, 0 ; x . * numb0 ;[Refs: decimal, hex, octal] dd offset nul0, offset minus, offset alphn, offset octal db 43o, 5 , 16o, 0 ; - a f numb1 ;[Refs: number2] dd offset number0, offset xn, offset endn, offset number0 db 25o, 45o, 0 , 0 ; x .
-- probably a pointer to four bytes before the characters to print as the keyboard guide in the lower-right corner of the editor screen
board ;[Refs: keyboard, letter, accept1, decimal, hex, graph, e, pad] dd offset alpha-4
Shift generally points to one of the following tables: alpha0, alpha1, graph0, graph1, numb0, numb1.
shift ;[Refs: keyboard, acceptn, accept1, word1, decimal, hex, number3, number2, ; alph0, star0, alph, graph, first, e, pad] dd offset alpha0
ColorForth displays numbers in one of two formats — decimal and hexadecimal. Decimal stores 10 here; hex stores 16 here. Therefore routines with "cmp base, 10 : jz base10" fall into handling hexadecimal.
base ;[Refs: decimal, hex, number3, qdot, format, format2] dd 10
"current" not changed, always points to decimal
current ;[Refs: octal, number] dd offset decimal
current key color?
keyc ;[Refs: keyboard, actn, e, eout] dd yellow chars ;[Refs: word_, word1] dd 1 aword ;[Refs: first, act7, actv, eout] dd offset ex1 anumber ;[Refs: endn, e, eout] dd offset nul words ;[Refs: ex1, full, x, word_, actv, destack, insert0, insert1, format, format2] dd 1 nul0: ;[Refs: graph0, alpha0, numb0, eout] drop jmp @f accept: ;[Refs: start1, abort1, forth2, x, first, actn, eout, insert] acceptn: ;[Refs: xn, endn] mov shift, offset alpha0 lea edi, alpha-4
"Key" returns in AL a number 0..27. If number is 4..27, jump to first -- otherwise convert AL into an offset into whichever of the six tables [each with four DD's] "shift" is pointing to, and jump to the address in the table.
accept1: ;[Refs: star0] mov board, edi @@: call key cmp al, 4 jns first mov edx, shift jmp dword ptr [edx+eax*4]
Pre-parsing words
Pack takes a single character (first item on stack), converts it into a pre-parsed-source bit pattern, and adds the bit pattern to a pre-parsed word (second item on stack), assuming that the word isn't full already.
bits ;[Refs: pack, lj0, full, word_] db 28 ;This is part of the "pack" routine. @@: add eax, 120o mov cl, 7 jmp @f pack: ;[Refs: word1] cmp al, 20o ; If character is 20o or higher, jnc @b ; go to section above. mov cl, 4 ; Assume character size of 4 bits. test al, 10o ; If character is 10o..17o, then jz @f inc ecx ; set character size to 5 bits and xor al, 30o ; change character to bitpattern. @@: mov edx, eax ; (save) ??? mov ch, cl ; (save) ??? @@: cmp bits, cl jnc @f shr al, 1 jc full dec cl jmp @b @@: shl dword ptr [esi], cl ; xor [esi], eax sub bits, cl ret lj0: ;"Left-justifies" bits by shifting them left, ; so that the leftmost bit is in bit 31. ;[Refs: lj, full] mov cl, bits add cl, 4 shl dword ptr [esi], cl ret lj: ;[Refs: graph1, alpha1] call lj0 drop ret full: ;Finish packing a pre-parsed word. ;[Refs: pack] call lj0 inc words mov bits, 28 sub bits, ch mov eax, edx dup_ ret
x: ;[Refs: graph1, alpha1] call right mov eax, words lea esi, [eax*4+esi] drop jmp accept word_: ;[Refs: first] call right mov words, 1 mov chars, 1 dup_ mov dword ptr [esi], 0 mov bits, 28 word1: ;[Refs: word0] call letter jns @f mov edx, shift jmp dword ptr [edx+eax*4] @@: test al, al jz word0 dup_ call echo_ call pack inc chars word0: ;[Refs: graph1, alpha1, word1, graph] drop call key jmp word1 decimal: ;[Refs: current, octal] mov base, 10 mov shift, offset numb0 mov board, offset numbers-4 ret hex: ;[Refs: octal] mov base, 16 mov shift, offset numb0 ; oct0 mov board, offset octals-4 ret octal: ;[Refs: numb0] xor current, (offset decimal-offset start)xor (offset hex-offset start) xor byte ptr numb0+18, 41o xor 16o ; f vs 9 call current jmp number0 xn: ;[Refs: numb1] drop drop jmp acceptn ; db 0, 0, 0, 0 digit ;[Refs: number3] db 14, 10, 0, 0 db 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0 db 13, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0 db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 db 8, 9 sign ;[Refs: minus, number, number3] db 0 minus: ;[Refs: numb0] ; mov al, 43o ; - mov sign, al jmp number2 number0: ;[Refs: numb1, octal, number3] drop jmp number3 number: ;[Refs: alpha0] call current mov sign, 0 xor eax, eax number3: ;[Refs: number2, number0] call key call letter jns @f mov edx, shift jmp dword ptr [edx+eax*4] @@: test al, al jz number0 mov al, [digit-4+eax] test sign, 37o jz @f neg eax @@: mov edx, [esi] imul edx, base add edx, eax @@: mov [esi], edx number2: ;[Refs: minus] drop mov shift, offset numb1 jmp number3 endn: ;[Refs: numb1] drop call [anumber] jmp acceptn alphn: ;[Refs: numb0] drop alph0: ;[Refs: graph0] mov shift, offset alpha0 lea edi, alpha-4 jmp @f star0: ;[Refs: alph0] mov shift, offset graph0 lea edi, graphics-4 @@: drop jmp accept1 alph: ;[Refs: graph1] mov shift, offset alpha1 lea edi, alpha-4 jmp @f graph: ;[Refs: alpha1] mov shift, offset graph1 lea edi, graphics-4 @@: mov board, edi jmp word0 first: ;[Refs: accept1] add shift, 4*4+4 call word_ call [aword] jmp accept
Printing numbers
hicon ;Character codes for the sixteen hexadecimal digits. ;[Refs: edig] db 30o, 31o, 32o, 33o, 34o, 35o, 36o, 37o ; 01234567 db 40o, 41o, 5 , 23o, 12o, 20o, 4 , 16o ; 89abcdef
Edig1 ( n -- n ) and edig ( n -- ) emit a hexadecimal digit. The top item on the stack is expected to be a number between 0 and 15, which is used as an offset into the hicon table.
edig1: ;[Refs: d_1, d_2] dup_ edig: ;"digit" ;[Refs: forth2, hdot, dot] push ecx mov al, hicon[eax] call emit pop ecx ret
Odig ( x -- y n ) converts the next four bits in a 32-bit number into a value between 0 and 15 (suitable for being passed to edig). Note that, immediately after the call to odig, the caller can test the zero flag to see if the value is zero.
odig: ;[Refs: hdot, dot] rol eax, 4 dup_ and eax, 0fh ret
??? Print only bottom N hex digits of number ???
hdotn: ;"h.n" ;[Refs: forth2] mov edx, eax neg eax lea ecx, [32+eax*4] drop rol eax, cl mov ecx, edx jmp @f
Print 32-bit number onto screen as eight-digit hexadecimal number (pad with leading zeroes if necessary).
hdot: ;"h." ;[Refs: forth2] mov ecx, 8 @@: call odig call edig next @b drop ret
Print 32-bit number onto screen as hexadecimal number without leading zeroes.
dot: ;[Refs: debug, qdot, ref1] mov ecx, 7 @@: call odig jnz @h ; Branch on first nonzero digit. drop ; Drop leading zero. next @b inc ecx ; If number = 0, digit count = 1 (print "0"). @@: call odig ; Get next hexadecimal digit. @h1: call edig ; Output digit. next @b ; Continue until there are no more digits. call space drop ret @h: inc ecx ; (Go from handling leading zeroes jmp @h1 ; to handling nonzero digits.)
Print 32-bit number onto screen without leading zeroes — as a decimal or a hexadecimal number, depending on the current base.
qdot: ;[Refs: stack] cmp base, 10 jnz dot dot10: ;"." ;(?)Prints a decimal number. ;[Refs: forth2, gnw1, nw1, ref1, bas] mov edx, eax test edx, edx jns @f neg edx ; Negate number. dup_ mov eax, 43o ; Print minus sign. call emit @@: mov ecx, 8 @@: mov eax, edx xor edx, edx div tens[ecx*4] ; NASM "div [tens+ecx*4] test eax, eax jnz d_1 dec ecx jns @b jmp d_2 @@: mov eax, edx xor edx, edx div tens[ecx*4] ; NASM "div [tens+ecx*4] d_1: ;[Refs: dot10] call edig1 dec ecx jns @b d_2: ;[Refs: dot10] mov eax, edx call edig1 call space ; spcr drop ret
Display routines
You push a "word" (a 32-bit cell of pre-parsed source code) onto the stack before calling unpack. Unpack removes the first character from this word (e.g., "pack" becomes "ack") but leaves the word on the stack. Unpack then pushes the removed character onto the stack.
unpack: ; ( w -- w c ) ;[Refs: forth2, cap, caps, type2] dup_ test eax, eax ; Four-bit character begins with 0. js @f ; Branch if character begins with 1. shl dword ptr [esi], 4 ; Remove 4-bit character from word. rol eax, 4 ; Convert character into character and eax, 7 ; code (0..7). ret @@: shl eax, 1 ; Five-bit character begins with 10. js @f ; Branch if character begins with 11. shl dword ptr [esi], 5 ; Remove 5-bit character from word. rol eax, 4 ; Convert character into character and eax, 7 ; code (10o..17o). xor al, 10o ; (Flip bit 3 = set bit 3 = add 8.) ret @@: shl dword ptr [esi], 7 ; Remove 7-bit character from word. rol eax, 6 ; Convert character into character and eax, 77o ; code (20o..57o). sub al, 20o ret
qring and ring -- I believe the "ring" is character 60o -- -- ColorForth uses this instead of a blinking cursor to indicate where the next word will appear in the editor
qring: ;[Refs: type0, ref1] dup_ inc dword ptr [esi] cmp curs, edi ; from abort, insert jnz @f mov curs, eax @@: cmp eax, curs jz ring jns @f mov pcad, edi @@: drop ret ring: ;[Refs: qring] mov cad, edi sub xy, iw*10000h ; bksp dup_ mov eax, 0e04000h call color mov eax, 60o mov cx, word ptr xy+2 cmp cx, word ptr rm js @f call emit sub xy, iw*10000h ; bksp ret @@: jmp emit
The refresh routine (actually ref1) relies on thirteen other routines (not counting nul, which does nothing) to display pre-parsed words on the screen. These routines correspond to the thirteen colors defined in the pre-parsed word specs.
Color number | Color | Meaning | Label | Probable label meaning |
0 | N/A | Extension | TYPE0 | Show type-0 word |
1 | Yellow | Execute word | wW | Show word as Word |
2 | Yellow | Execute "long" number | nW | Show number as Word |
3 | Red | Define word | rW | Show red Word |
4 | Green | Compile word | gW | Show green Word |
5 | Green | Compile "long" number | gnW | Show green number as Word |
6 | Green | Compile "short" number | gsW | Show green short number as Word |
7 | Cyan | Compile macro word | mW | Show macro Word |
8 | Yellow | Execute "short" number | sW | Show short number as Word |
9 | White | Comment (lowercase) | text | Show text |
10 | White | Comment (Capitalized) | Cap | Show text Capitalized |
11 | White | Comment (ALL CAPS) | CAPS | Show text in ALL CAPS |
12 | Magenta | Variable | var | Show variable |
Displaying words
rw: ;[Refs: display] mov cx, word ptr xy+2 cmp cx, word ptr lm jz @f call cr @@: call red jmp type_ gw: ;[Refs: display] call green jmp type_ mw: ;[Refs: display] call cyan jmp type_ ww: ;[Refs: display] dup_ mov eax, yellow call color jmp type_
Displaying word extensions
type0: ;[Refs: display] sub xy, iw*10000h ; call bspcr test dword ptr [-4+edi*4], -20o jnz type1 dec edi mov lcad, edi call space call qring pop edx ; end of block ; [RST] drop jmp keyboard
Displaying comments
cap: ;[Refs: display] call white dup_ mov eax, [-4+edi*4] and eax, -20o call unpack add al, 48 call emit jmp type2 caps: ;[Refs: display] call white dup_ mov eax, [-4+edi*4] and eax, -20o @@: call unpack jz @f add al, 48 call emit jmp @b text: ;[Refs: display] call white
Unpacking and printing characters
type_: ;[Refs: var, rw, gw, mw, ww] type1: ;[Refs: type0] dup_ mov eax, [-4+edi*4] and eax, -20o type2: ;[Refs: cap, type2] call unpack jz @f call emit jmp type2 @@: call space drop drop ret
Displaying numbers
gsw: ;[Refs: display] mov edx, [-4+edi*4] sar edx, 5 jmp gnw1 var: ;[Refs: display] call magenta call type_ gnw: ;[Refs: display] mov edx, [edi*4] inc edi gnw1: ;[Refs: gsw] dup_ mov eax, 0f800h ; green cmp bas, offset dot10 jz @f mov eax, 0c000h ; dark green jmp @f sw: ;[Refs: display] mov edx, [-4+edi*4] sar edx, 5 jmp nw1 nw: ;[Refs: display] mov edx, [edi*4] inc edi nw1: ;[Refs: sw] dup_ mov eax, yellow cmp bas, offset dot10 jz @f mov eax, 0c0c000h ; dark yellow @@: call color dup_ mov eax, edx jmp [bas]
refresh: ;[Refs: e] call show call blank call text1 dup_ ; counter mov eax, lcad mov cad, eax ; for curs beyond end xor eax, eax mov edi, blk shl edi, 10-2 mov pcad, edi ; for curs=0 ref1: ;[Refs: ref1] test dword ptr [edi*4], 0fh jz @f call qring @@: mov edx, [edi*4] inc edi mov bas, offset dot10 test dl, 20o jz @f mov bas, offset dot @@: and edx, 17o call display[edx*4] jmp ref1
The display-routine table
align 4 display ;Offsets to display routines. ;[Refs: ref1] dd offset type0, offset ww, offset nw, offset rw dd offset gw, offset gnw, offset gsw, offset mw dd offset sw, offset text, offset cap, offset caps dd offset var, offset nul, offset nul, offset nul
tens ;[Refs: dot10] dd 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 dd 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 bas ;[Refs: gnw1, nw1, ref1] dd offset dot10
blk is the current block
blk ;[Refs: abort, copy, refresh, pblk, mblk, shadow, edit, e] dd 18 curs ;[Refs: abort, qring, (refresh,) mcur, pcur, mmcur, ppcur, insert1] dd 0 cad ;[Refs: ring, refresh, insert1, del, enstack] dd 0 pcad ;[Refs: qring, refresh, del, enstack] dd 0 lcad ;[Refs: type0, refresh, insert0, insert1, del] dd 0 trash ;[Refs: destack, enstack] dd buffer*4
(27 keys in keyboard; 28 offsets in "ekeys" table)
ekeys ;[Refs: e] dd offset nul, offset del, offset eout, offset destack dd offset act1, offset act3, offset act4, offset shadow dd offset mcur, offset mmcur, offset ppcur, offset pcur dd offset mblk, offset actv, offset act7, offset pblk dd offset nul, offset act11, offset act10, offset act9 dd offset nul, offset nul, offset nul, offset nul ekbd0 ;[Refs: e] dd offset nul, offset nul, offset nul, offset nul db 25o, 45o, 7 , 0 ; x . I ekbd ;[Refs: e] db 17o, 1 , 15o, 55o ; w r g * db 14o, 26o, 20o, 1 ; l u d r db 43o, 11o, 12o, 53o ; - m c + db 0 , 70o, 72o, 2 ; s c t db 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 db 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 actc ;Action colors. ;[Refs: act7] dd yellow, 0, 0ff0000h, 0c000h, 0, 0, 0ffffh ; 1=yellow (0xFFFF00), --, 3=red (0xFF0000), ; 4=green (0x00C000), --, --, 7=cyan (0x00FFFF) dd 0, 0ffffffh, 0ffffffh, 0ffffffh, 8080ffh ; --, 9..11=white (0xFFFFFF), 12=light blue??? (0x8080FF) vector ;[Refs: pad] dd 0
These "actxxx" routines and variables wouldn't be connected with act, would they?
action ;[Refs: act7, actv, insert, format, format2] db 1 act1: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 1 ; 1 = execute (yellow word) jmp @f act3: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 3 ; 3 = define (red word) jmp @f act4: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 4 ; 4 = compile (green word) jmp @f act9: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 9 ; 9 = comment (white word) jmp @f act10: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 10 ; 10 = Capitalized Comment jmp @f act11: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 11 ; 11 = COMMENT IN ALL CAPS jmp @f act7: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov al, 7 ; 7 = compile macro (cyan word) @@: mov action, al mov eax, [actc-4+eax*4] mov aword, offset insert actn: ;[Refs: actv] mov keyc, eax pop eax ; [RST] drop jmp accept actv: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov action, 12 ; 12 = variable (magenta word) mov eax, 0ff00ffh ; magenta mov aword, offset @f jmp actn @@: dup_ xor eax, eax inc words jmp insert
Cursor and block routines
mcur: ;[Refs: ekeys, del] dec curs jns @f pcur: ;[Refs: ekeys] inc curs @@: ret mmcur: ;[Refs: ekeys] sub curs, 8 jns @f mov curs, 0 @@: ret ppcur: ;[Refs: ekeys] add curs, 8 ret pblk: ;[Refs: ekeys] add blk, 2 add dword ptr [esi], 2 ret mblk: ;[Refs: ekeys] cmp blk, 20 js @f sub blk, 2 sub dword ptr [esi], 2 @@: ret shadow: ;Toggles between code (even-numbered) ;and documentation (odd-numbered) blocks. ;[Refs: ekeys] xor blk, 1 xor dword ptr [esi], 1 ret
e0: ;[Refs: e] drop jmp @f edit: ;Start editor at block given in TOS. ;[Refs: forth2] mov blk, eax drop e: ;Restart editor at current block. ;[Refs: forth2] dup_ mov eax, blk mov anumber, offset format mov byte ptr alpha0+4*4, 45o ; . mov alpha0+4, offset e0 call refresh @@: mov shift, offset ekbd0 mov board, offset ekbd-4 mov keyc, yellow @@: call key call ekeys[eax*4] drop jmp @b eout: ;[Refs: ekeys] pop eax ; [RST] drop drop mov aword, offset ex1 mov anumber, offset nul mov byte ptr alpha0+4*4, 0 mov alpha0+4, offset nul0 mov keyc, yellow jmp accept destack: ;[Refs: ekeys] mov edx, trash cmp edx, buffer*4 jnz @f ret @@: sub edx, 2*4 mov ecx, [edx+1*4] mov words, ecx @@: dup_ mov eax, [edx] sub edx, 1*4 next @b add edx, 1*4 mov trash, edx insert0: ;[Refs: insert] mov ecx, lcad ; room available? add ecx, words xor ecx, lcad and ecx, -100h jz insert1 mov ecx, words ; no @@: drop next @b ret insert1: ;[Refs: insert0] push esi mov esi, lcad mov ecx, esi dec esi mov edi, esi add edi, words shl edi, 2 sub ecx, cad js @f shl esi, 2 std rep movsd cld @@: pop esi shr edi, 2 inc edi mov curs, edi ; like abort mov ecx, words @@: dec edi mov [edi*4], eax drop ; requires cld next @b ret insert: ;[Refs: qring, act7, actv, format, format2] call insert0 mov cl, action xor [edi*4], cl jmp accept format: ;( ?? -- ) ?? ;[Refs: e] test action, 12o ; ignore 3 and 9 jz @f drop ret @@: mov edx, eax and edx, 0fc000000h jz @f cmp edx, 0fc000000h jnz format2 @@: shl eax, 5 xor al, 2 ; 6 cmp action, 4 jz @f xor al, 13o ; 8 @@: cmp base, 10 jz @f xor al, 20o @@: mov words, 1 jmp insert format2: ;[Refs: format] dup_ mov eax, 1 ; 5 cmp action, 4 jz @f mov al, 3 ; 2 @@: cmp base, 10 jz @f xor al, 20o @@: xchg eax, [esi] mov words, 2 jmp insert del: ;[Refs: ekeys] call enstack mov edi, pcad mov ecx, lcad sub ecx, edi shl edi, 2 push esi mov esi, cad shl esi, 2 rep movsd pop esi jmp mcur enstack: ;[Refs: del] dup_ mov eax, cad sub eax, pcad jz ens mov ecx, eax xchg eax, edx push esi mov esi, cad lea esi, [esi*4-4] mov edi, trash @@: std lodsd cld stosd next @b xchg eax, edx stosd mov trash, edi pop esi ens: ;[Refs: enstack] drop ret pad: ;[Refs: forth2] pop edx ; [RST] ; Move return address into vector. mov vector, edx add edx, 28*5 mov board, edx sub edx, 4*4 mov shift, edx @@: call key ; (task switch) mov edx, vector add edx, eax ; ?? add CF key code to vector ?? lea edx, [5+eax*4+edx] add edx, [-4+edx] drop call edx jmp @b org (1200h-1)*4 dd 0 end start
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