ColorForth Commentary

NOTICE: This is a work in progress. Parts of my commentary are still very rough. However, I have it up on the web because even in this rough form it may be useful to ColorForth enthusiasts. Expect the contents of these files to change frequently.



Chuck Moore's ColorForth is one of the main inspirations for Karig. It provides an environment where a programmer can experiment with code as easily and quickly as possible. I want this kind of environment in Karig, so I decided that I needed to study ColorForth in detail. Unfortunately, while Chuck Moore has written a number of pages explaining the ColorForth concept in detail, his source code is very sparsely commented. Judging from discussions on the Web about ColorForth, I'm not the only one who is interested in ColorForth but has had trouble following the source code. So I started writing this commentary.

This special feature will explain the routines in the ColorForth source code (22 July 2001 edition). For each routine that I explain, I will provide a "called-by" list of routines that call the routine. I also repeat the source code here, except that I've changed most label references into links — a call to the unPAUSE routine appears as call unPAUSE — so that you can follow the code just by clicking links. I also provide links to other sites on the Web that explain bits and pieces of the source code. I hope in time to make this a useful and reasonably complete reference to Chuck Moore's code.

Please note that I have posted this before I've finished with it, because other people may find even my incomplete efforts to be informative and useful. As of this date (14 February 2004), it is very incomplete, although all the links between references and labels should be in place. There will be holes in my commentary for a while. I'll update this as I find time, and as I discover more about Chuck's code. In the meantime, if you find any gross errors or omissions, by all means let me know about them, and I'll fix them.

I should also mention that Chuck Moore has written all of this code and that I'm only commenting on it. He has also explicitly placed this code in the public domain, so I expect that there won't be any problems with me republishing his code with annotations.


I've reprinted Chuck Moore's source code and made some changes:


I'll add more links later. I want to limit this list mainly to sites that discuss either the source code itself or specifics about the design of ColorForth from a programmer or code reader's perspective.

Chuck Moore's colorForth site

Other sites

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